The Big Question: Should You Renovate or Move?
As a homeowner, the money you need to purchase the perfect home or renovate your current house may be right at your fingertips.
The Main Key To Understanding the Rise in Mortgage Rates
Keep in mind that even though rates will increase in the following months, these rates will still be historically low.
Experts Agree: Homeownership Provides a Path to Long-Term Wealth
Homebuyers have an opportunity to start the long-term wealth-building process right now.
Don’t Tackle Selling Your Home on Your Own – an Agent Can Help
A real estate professional can save you TIME and MONEY by managing every step of the process for you!
111,285 Reasons You Should Buy a Home This Year
Homeownership builds household wealth which also enables households to more easily move to the home of their dreams.
Early October is the Sweet Spot for Buyers
While home prices are still appreciating overall, you may see some homes with price adjustments from eager sellers this October.