How Much Must You Trust Your Listing Agent?
You and your family have decided to sell your house. It is now time to choose a real estate professional to help with the process. One of the major attributes this agent must possess is trustworthiness. To what degree do you need to trust them?
You must have enough trust in them that you feel comfortable they will accomplish all four things below:
1. Sell possibly the largest asset your family owns
In many cases, a home is the largest asset a family has. Studies have shown that the equity many families have in their home is the largest percentage of that family’s overall wealth.
2. Set the correct market value on that asset
Pricing is crucial even in the best of markets. You want to get the best price for your home without putting your house at a value that buyers will have little interest.
3. Set the time schedule for the liquidation of that asset
Your family probably has a certain timetable for the sale of your house and the move into your next home. Coordinating the home selling process to meet certain schedules can be tricky.
4. Set a fair fee for the services required to liquidate that asset
You will need to pay a commission to an agent for selling the home and coordinating all elements of the selling transaction including possible future negotiations (ex. with a home inspector or appraiser).
That’s a lot of trust. Make sure you pick a true professional to help with the sale of your home.
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