Jessica Markovic has helped another happy 😍 buyer find their dream home! 🏡 Looking to buy or sell? Give Jessica a call. She would love to help you with your next move 🙂
Why the Housing Market Is a Powerful Economic Driver
Buying a home is a driving financial force in the recovery of the U.S. economy. Are you ready to make a move?
Buying a Home Right Now: Easy? No. Smart? Yes.
Many families have decided not to postpone their plans to purchase a home, even in these difficult times.
What Impact Might COVID-19 Have on Home Values?
A big challenge facing the housing industry is determining what impact the current pandemic may have on home values.
Uncertainty Abounds in the Search for Economic Recovery Timetable
The current situation makes it extremely difficult to project the future of the economy. Analysts are hoping for a quick recovery.
Keys to Selling Your House Virtually
In today’s market, it’s more important than ever to make sure you have a digital game plan and an effective online marketing strategy when selling your house.
The Pain of Unemployment: It Will Be Deep, But Not for Long
Over 20 million people in the U.S. became instantly unemployed. How long is this financial pain going to last?