“Two recent studies show that the non-financial benefits of owning a home might be even more valuable than the financial benefits.” When people talk about homeownership and the American Dream, much of the conversation revolves around the financial...
“Is there a ‘Black Friday’ for the home-buying process?” Every year, ‘Black Friday’ is a highly anticipated event for eager shoppers. Some people prepare for weeks, crafting and refining a strategic shopping agenda, determining exactly when to arrive at...
Let’s chat about how #brookhamptonrealty can help you find the perfect backyard that’ll give you a real home field advantage this season. 🏡⚾⚽ #homebuyertips #grammarpros #homebuying101 #realestateadvice #dreamhome Should You Fix Your House Up or Sell Now? Sep 24,...
“Is it finally time to downsize?” With the fall season upon us, change is in the air. For many families, children are growing up and moving out of the house, maybe leaving for college or taking a jump into the working world. Parents are finding...
Are you ready for sunny days, cool evenings, pumpkin picking, corn mazes and falling leaves?Happy Autumn! 🌞🍁🍂🎃 #brookhamptonrealty #autumn #fallisintheair #pumpkins Is Your House “Priced to Sell Immediately”? Sep 23, 2019In today’s real estate market, more houses are...