Another successful sale with the help of Cindy Hassan and Mary Brantmeyer!  Looking to buy or sell?  Give them a call to help you with your next move 🙂

Why Did You Buy Your Current Home?

Why Did You Buy Your Current Home?

We use this layout for all non real estate social media posts. (ie: Grammar Pros, decorating ideas, etc.) Instructions:Each day we will create a post for Pinterest and Instagram. We can use a post from Grammar Pros or a decorating idea. Grammar...

Who’s Buying Homes?

Who’s Buying Homes?

Did you know? Single female home buyers have historically been second only to married couples since 1981. Male or female, married or single, let us know how we can help you make your dream of homeownership a reality. #brookhamptonrealty #whyrentwhenyoucanown...

The 2020 Homebuyer Wish List

The 2020 Homebuyer Wish List

The word “home” is taking on a whole new meaning this year, and buyers are starting to look for new features as they re-think their needs and what’s truly possible.

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