Another successful sale with the help of Reade Stewart! Looking to buy or sell? Give him a call. Reade will be happy to help you with your next move 🙂

Refresh Your Bathroom!

Refresh Your Bathroom!

We don't emphasize the importance of what's behind your bathroom door enough, now do we?Pottery Barn has ✋ tips to refresh your bathroom in order to create a relaxing retreat with simple, yet sophisticated updates.1 - Bring in new, organic towels.2 - Organize with...

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Here’s to a Wonderful 2020!

Here’s to a Wonderful 2020!

We use this layout for all non real estate social media posts. (ie: Grammar Pros, decorating ideas, etc.) Instructions:Each day we will create a post for Pinterest and Instagram. We can use a post from Grammar Pros or a decorating idea. Grammar...

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